Reading, 2006


The 56th annual conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA) took place in April 2006 at the University of Reading. The second presence of the GPSG at the PSA conference featured a joint panel with the Political Marketing Group, as well as several exciting papers on political parties, public policy and EU affairs.

Panel Convenors: Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth University), Andrew Liaropoulos (University of Swansea), Dr. Dimitris Tsarouhas (Middle East Technical University, Ankara), Maria Zisouli (University of Athens)


GPSG Panel 1 in Collaboration with the Political Marketing Group: Political Marketing and Communication in Greece

Chair: Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth University)


GPSG Panel 2: The Changing Structure and Culture of Greek Political Parties

Chair: Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth University)


GPSG Panel 3: Greek-Turkish Relations in the Context of EU

Chair: Andrew Liaropoulos (University of Swansea)


GPSG Panel 4: Current Challenges in Greek Public Administration

Chair: Dimitris Tsarouhas (METU)